Author: Possible Zone

  • To Flush or Not To Flush: The Eye-Opening Guide to What Goes Down the Drain!

    To Flush or Not To Flush: The Eye-Opening Guide to What Goes Down the Drain! Ah, the eternal question – to flush or not to flush? Join us on an informative adventure as we unravel the mysteries of your plumbing system with our blog, inspired by the expertise of Steve Huff Plumbing. Get ready to…

  • The Effects of High Water Pressure on Your Plumbing System

    High water pressure may feel good while taking a shower or filling the tub. But it can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing system. You won’t notice the effects of it overnight (which is why it’s often considered harmless), but it can create several plumbing problems over time. Here’s a quick rundown of what high…

  • 5 Possible Causes of a Leaky Faucet

    A dripping faucet is a frequent household issue that may cause major frustration and water waste over time. If you’ve ever had a leaking faucet, you know how annoying it can be to hear the steady dripping sound and notice the water bill steadily rise. This blog post will look at some common causes of…

  • What is Sewer Inspection and Why Does Your Home Need It?

    It doesn’t matter when, where, or how you came across the term sewer inspection; the only thing that matters is your curiosity about it. So without further ado, let’s find out what is a sewer inspection, how it helps, and why you must get it done: What is a Sewer Inspection? A sewer inspection is…

  • Top Dangers of Water Leaks

    Water leaks can happen in your home at any time. They can be caused by a number of things, including broken pipes and damaged faucets, but they usually occur when there’s some sort of damage to the home’s plumbing system or foundation.  These types of leaks are dangerous because they can cause serious damage to…

  • 3 Signs the Water Pressure is Way Too High at Your Home

    Small plumbing issues, such as water dripping from the handle of the faucet, may not seem all that significant. However, they can sometimes have a more serious underlying cause that can wear out your plumbing system. One of the major causes of concern is the high water pressure at home. Besides damaging the plumbing line,…